Marty Cain was raised in Marlboro, Vermont. He received a B.A. from Hamilton College, where he was a Senior Fellow; an M.F.A. in Poetry from the University of Mississippi, where he edited Yalobusha Review and hosted the Trobar Ric Reading Series; and a PhD in Literatures in English from Cornell University. He was a Postdoctoral Associate within the Humanities Scholars Program at Cornell from 2022-2023, and is presently a Visiting Lecturer at Cornell. His poetry and hybrid writing has appeared in publications such as Fence, Denver Quarterly, Poetry Daily, Best American Experimental Writing, and elsewhere, and critical writing appears in Journal of Modern Literature, ASAP/Journal, and Jacket2. His books include The Prelude (Action Books, 2023), The Wound Is (Not) Real: A Memoir (Trembling Pillow, 2022), Kids of the Black Hole (Trembling Pillow, 2017), and a chapbook, Four Essays (Tammy Chapbook Series, 2019). Marty lives with his partner Kina Viola in Ithaca, New York, where they run Garden-Door Press and Ithaca House DIY.
He is the vocalist for the punk band Joyous Shrub and part of the multimedia collective BOGMOM.
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Twitter: @marty_cain